The Strava challenges (#SOLOdarity and Walking Challenges) have really kept me motivated to make sure I get at least 20 minutes of physical everyday.
Here are some hacks that have kept me going:
1. I jog in place while watching my favorite shows on Netflix! I go for those that are at least 40 minutes long (Tiny House Nation, Nadiya's Time to Eat) so that I'm suckered to going for a full hour instead. I complete the hour by watching one or two episodes of How I Met Your Mother.
2. I do exercises during our webinars and online meetings! I've been hosting and moderating our webinar series since mid-April. My laptop doesn't have a webcam, which translates to being able to do whatever (and wear whatever) while Donne (our resource speaker) delivers his talk for 30 minutes. We also have regular online meetings that can be quite stressful. Doing arm exercises and squats (while on Mute and Video Off) has been great for both my mental and physical health.
3. Strava challenges and phone health apps! As a competitive person, these are amazing motivations!
4. Fun workouts on YouTube! I'm a big fan of HasFit, and I've also recently tried Popsugar for their boxing workouts.
I can't wait to go back to running outside or doing workouts in the gym, but these are still not allowed under General Community Quarantine so I guess I'll just have to make do with working out inside.